Post by Zeezrom

As I wrote, the people in Ammonihah were destroyed. I didn’t tell how it was not just the deaths of some residents, but every living soul of the Ammonihahites was destroyed, and their great city which they said God couldn’t destroy because it was so great. Well, so much for that. In one day the city was left desolate and the carcasses were mangled by dogs and wild beasts of the wilderness.
The Lamanites didn’t stop there, they also attacked people on the borders of Noah and took many captive into the wilderness. Why did they take captives from Noah but not Ammonihah? Ammonihah was warned and they rejected God. Noah wasn’t under the same condemnation.
However, we wanted to get the captives back. A man by the name of Zoram was appointed chief captain over the armies of the Nephites. He and his two sons knew Alma, as high priest over the church, knew he had the spirit of prophecy, therefore they went to Alma wanting to know where the Lord would have them take the army in search of those taken captive. Smart move on Zoram’s part. It was probably one of his son’s ideas. Alma inquired of the Lord and the Lord told Zoram where he should take his army.
Zoram marched his army up beyond the borders of the land Manti where the Lord said the Lamanites would be crossing the river Sidon. It was there they met the Lamanites.
The Lamanites scattered into the wilderness leaving behind the captives. Not one soul of the captives was lost.
So consider the Lord’s workings here. He sent two of His servants to my city. I was among the vile citizens there. When I was caught in a lie, my soul was afflicted, so afflicted it nearly brought me down to death. The remorse and guilt ate at my soul. The righteous believers were both driven out or executed by fire. That left no believers in the city. As Alma and Amulek prophesied, because they were now ripe in iniquity, in one day the city and all her inhabitants were completely destroyed. Not one left living. How does God reconcile the destruction of His children?
Yet, at the same time, those same Lamanites attack the area of Noah, and take captives, an army is told by a prophet where to go rescue them, and during the captivity and rescue, not one soul is lost.
When we are told we will not always understand God’s ways. I fully believe it. His ways are not our ways.
Here I sit, forgiven by both Alma and Amulek and from the witness of the Holy Spirit, forgiven by my Savior Jesus Christ.