Post by Zarahemla, Leader of the People of Zarahemla

Before Mosiah and his people arrived, my people endured generations of hardship, war, and division. We, the descendants of those who fled Jerusalem, once flourished in this land. But without written records to guide us, we lost much of our knowledge and fell into disorder. Rival factions arose, each seeking power over the others. Blood was spilled as our people fought for dominion, and the land that once prospered under unity became soaked with blood.
Many of our greatest leaders fell in battle, and our numbers dwindled. Some sought peace, but pride and ambition always rekindled the flames of war. The conflicts weakened us, and as generations passed, we became a scattered and broken people. Hunger and suffering plagued us, and the wisdom of our ancestors faded with time.
When Mosiah arrived with his people, it was as though the heavens had opened to us. They brought peace, order, and a knowledge that had long been lost. Through their records, we learned the ways of our forefathers, and through their faith, we found a renewed purpose.
Now, united as one, we strive to leave behind the darkness of our past and build a future where our children may know peace and righteousness. May we never return to the days of war and division, but instead walk forward in the light of wisdom and unity.
Omni 1:14-22