Post by Amulek –
As a new player in this blog posting lineup, I may be breaking rules because what I share won’t necessarily be a narrative of events as they happen. Rather, I will share what makes an impression on me at the time. As you will learn if you continue following this trail of impressions, an angel set my path in a totally different direction than I ever imagined. Following a series of events, the former Chief Judge Alma, now the prophet of the Lord, is spending a few days with me in my home. When he told me about his most recent experiences with the people of Zarahemla, Gideon, Mulek and now in Ammonihah, I found it curious his statement that my people are right now studying how they may destroy the liberty of my people. That sounds, even now, so ridiculous, if an angel didn’t instruct me to minister to Alma, I’d throw him out just as my fellow citizens have.
Yet, as I ponder and consider my fellow city leaders, the thought becomes less ridiculous. An open mind, even open a tiny bit, permits light to enter and illuminate the absolute truth of the words Alma received from the angel. My fellow citizens, lawyers, judges, leaders are indeed working to destroy our liberty. I see how laws are changing to protect wickedness, how that wickedness has to eliminate freedoms to protect itself. An open and free people will not long tolerate such evil. I can see how the Lord will not permit the loss of liberty for his people who lose the ability to follow the statutes, judgements and commandments He gives to His people.
I look to an uncertain future, but I know right now the prophet Alma is blessing my household.