Post by Zeezrom –

Permit me one more entry into this ongoing discussion on Nephi’s Blog.
The Lamanites didn’t come again to war against us. It’s been three years and we have enjoyed an unparalleled peace. So what have we been up to? Preaching the word of God in our temples, our sanctuaries and our synagogues. We taught everyone, regardless of station. The Lord pours out his spirit on all of us. There is no inequality among us. The church has become general throughout the land. The Spirit of God seems to prepare the minds and hearts of our children to receive the words taught us by Alma and Amulek.
We believe the coming of the Son of God will be soon. Whether I live to see His coming, I don’t know. But we believe He will live among the Jews. He suffers, dies, and returns from the dead in a glorious resurrection. We are taught He will appear to us, here in the promised land following His resurrection. We will get to see the glorified resurrected Savior. We receive this news with great joy and gladness.
To be worthy of that great blessing, we are taught against lyings, deceivings, envyings, strifes, malice, revilings, stealing, robbing, plundering, murdering, committing adultery, and all manner of lasciviousness. Pretty much what Ammonihah stood for. Oh, that we may enter into the rest of the Lord our God.