Post by Nephi –
As my vision of the life of Christ continued, I was again told by the angel to look and I saw the Lamb of God and He was taken by the people and judged. This is also part of the condescension of God. Consider this ironic scene. The world, fallen man, rebellious to the core, takes the Savior, their only hope and judges Him according to the selfish, wicked desires of their depraved life.
They took the Son of the everlasting God and lifted Him up upon a cross. I recognize that my Savior would be slain for the sins of the world, that He alone was chosen for this very act of ultimate love and that through Him only could the world have redemption. But nevertheless, the scene pierced my very soul with pain. I don’t have the words to describe the anguish I felt.
Yet the scene continued. After Christ was slain, I saw the multitudes of the earth gather together and fight against the apostles that had been personally called by the Savior.
I noticed that the multitudes that had gathered together were in a large and spacious building like the building my father had seen in his dream. The angel then explained to me that the world and all its wisdom, including the house of Israel had all gathered together to fight against the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
I now understood and want to bear record that the great and spacious building represented the pride of the world. I hate to admit that the next scene was a bit gratifying to watch. I saw the fall of the great and spacious building, and when it fell, the fall was exceedingly great. I can’t think the angel enjoyed watching the fall as I did. After all, an angel would recognize that each of those in the building are sons or daughters of our loving Heavenly Father. No joy can or should be taken in the suffering of His lost children.
Then the angel boldly declared, “Thus shall be the destruction of all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, that shall fight against the twelve apostles of the Lamb.”
(Book of Mormon | 1 Nephi 11:32 – 36)