Post by Alma – Son of Alma

Oh that I were an angel and could have the wish of my heart. Being a man of few words, and I know Ammon will disagree with that attempt of modesty, I have been tardy in adding to this collection of posts. But I am now profoundly overcome with the spirit to declare my anxiety for the world to know of the love of our Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ.
Oh, that I were an angel, and believe me, I know something about angels for I have spent some time with them and with one angel in particular. Angels can do some miraculous good or can be frighteningly scary depending on your current position with right and wrong.
Oh, that I were an angel and could do what I wanted with that great power. I would go forth and speak with the trump of God, with a voice to shake the earth. I would cry repentance unto every people. I would declare to every soul, with the voice of thunder, repentance, and the plan of redemption. I don’t say this lightly. I know what it is like for an angel’s voice to shake the earth. I know the voice of thunder. It is incredible. It’s just not the way God typically proclaims His word. But that doesn’t change the fact that I would wish it so if it were up to me and my sinful wishes. Yet, think what it would be like if we all repented and came unto our God, there would no more be sorrow upon all the earth.
I admit, that is a sinful wish. I ought to be content with the things the Lord allots to me. But imagine what it would be like someday to be able to stand before a group, a crowd, a city, a nation, or even the world and declare repentance to the whole earth at once. Imagine if you could preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to every kindred, tongue, and people, with one voice, and every nation would hear it in their own language.
So why should I desire to be an angel and speak to all the ends of the earth? I should be content to perform the work the Lord calls me to do. I know the Lord grants to all nations to receive in their own tongue all that in His wisdom He sees fit that they should have. I know the Lord will do exactly what is just and true.
So why should I desire more than that which I have been called? Because I want everyone to have the overwhelming joy my brethren and I experience as we watch God’s children come unto Him with their whole hearts.
Yet I know that firm decree of a just God is that He grants to all men according to their desire, not my desire for them. Whether it be unto life or death. He decrees unalterable decrees to every man according to their own will, whether they be unto salvation or unto destruction.
I have seen both salvation and destruction and I do not want anyone to choose evil and destruction. Yet, I am only a man and do sin in my desire. I know that good and evil come before all men. Those who do not know good from evil are blameless, but those who know good and evil will be given according to their desires, whether they desire good, or evil, whether they desire life or death, whether they desire joy or remorse of conscience. Please believe me when I say remorse of conscience brings a man to wish he was never born. I know, and I wish that on no man. Alma 29.