Post by Mosiah –
As our people began to live in harmony and persecutions gave way to every man esteeming neighbors as themselves, laboring with their own hands for their support, including priests and teachers who should also provide for themselves, peace was the result. Our people have become numerous and are scattering across the land, north to south and east to west, building cities and villages in all quarters.
The Lord is blessing us and we are becoming a large and wealthy people. What more could a king wish for? As I rejoice in our people’s success and casually ask, “What more could a king wish for?” I am reminded that what we all wish for and in my prayers and our priests prayers, especially Alma’s prayers, we beg for the Lord’s mercy with our sons. Who of all the kingdom should be a great blessing, are in fact the cause of not only great heartache among us their parents and leaders, but they are a great hinderment to the progress of the Lord’s work.
Numbered among the unbelievers are my four sons and one of Alma’s son, his son Alma. Alma has not lived up his namesake, our high priest Alma. He has become a very wicked and idolatrous man. When he speaks, he holds great influence. He mastered the skill of flattery and leads many of our people to follow his iniquitous ways. As mentioned, as he steals away the hearts of the people, he causes dissension and opens the way for the enemy of God to exercise power over them.
Where neighbors at one time may have differences but deal justly one with another, the dissension creates division. The division weakens our people and allows anger, hate, pride, selfishness and thus wickedness.
This very wickedness is putting great roadblocks to the progress of the Lord’s churches.
I end my words today with the news that my sons have just carried Alma helpless and laid him at the feet of his father Alma. What I hear is Alma is rejoicing for his son and has caused us to gather together so we may witness what the Lord has done for his son and for my sons.
We have caused the priests to assemble together and begin fasting and praying to the Lord our God that he might open the mouth of Alma, for he has been stricken dumb. Many are not convinced they want Alma to speak again.