Post by Zeezrom –

I’d all but resigned myself to utter destruction. I was laid low with burning fever even exceedingly sore because of my wickedness. Word came that Alma and Amulek were in the land of Sidom. My heart took courage and I sent an immediate message to them. Just knowing they lived gave me peace before I died.
Alma and Amulek came to me and I begged they forgive me. After asking if I believed in the power of Christ unto salvation and my answer in the affirmative, Alma said that if I believed in the redemption of Christ I could be healed. I assured him that I did indeed believe.
With that, Alma asked the Lord to have mercy on me and heal me according to my faith in Christ. I am not dead, thus I was healed.
Before I tell how, I need to point out that Alma didn’t heal me. He petitioned the Lord to have mercy and heal me according to my faith. Twice Alma asked if I had faith. Then as if he didn’t believe me, he put my fate into the great knowledge of the Lord our God. I must actually have faith because when he asked the Lord to heal according to my faith, I immediately leapt to my feet. I was a miracle. I eagerly got baptized and began from that time forth to preach to the people.
I joyfully participated in the establishment of the church in Sidom. I was consecrated as one of the priests and teachers to baptize those desirous to be baptized. People flocked in from all around. The contrast between these meek and teachable people to the hard-hearted and stiffnecked people of Ammonihah, my former friends and neighbors, is astounding. They credit my healing to the power of the devil. I know better. I know as Amulek knows, as Alma knows. We each forsook our lands, our riches and our friends for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We assemble together in our sanctuaries to worship God, praying continuously. With our pride being checked here in Sidom, Alma took Amulek to Zarahemla to Alma’s own house to minister to him. Now as the reign of judges ends its tenth year. I end my words testifying of the power of the Lord to forgive and redeem. For I was like so many, lost to righteousness and in the depths of wickedness, yet I never fell too deep that the eternal power of the redemption of Jesus Christ couldn’t reach down and snatch me from the very jaws of hell.
I love my Lord for it.
Alma 15.