Post by Nephi –
Now keeping a genealogy is not my idea of interesting. I recognize that a history of family is important for maintaining a sense of tradition and roots, but a bunch of begats doesn’t an interesting blog make. So all I need to say is – we are descendants of Joseph. That same Joseph that was sold into Egypt. One thing that I might say is that that knowledge does sometimes give me comfort knowing that a younger brother can survive some pretty abusive older brothers and that God doesn’t always necessarily work with the eldest to preserve a family.
But as for genealogy, I will leave that to my father. Older folks seem to have more of an interest in that anyway. And may I mention again, even though I have spent a few blogs talking about the events of Jerusalem, and our escape, you will see that the overall theme of this blog is to bring its readers to God, with the intent of persuading men to come to God.
I could make this blog all about the world, and it would be very interesting, but there are bloggers enough talking about politics, world events and other eternally meaningless things. I will dedicate this blog to write the things of God. The events of our day are added only to help you put things into perspective.
In order to see things as they really are, you need an accurate knowledge of history. Our understanding of the present is actually filtered through our understanding of the past. Others including my father are keeping a history for that very purpose and our obtaining the plates of brass was also for that very purpose. But as I mentioned, I plan to concentrate on the things of God and my inclusion of history is merely to keep this blog understandable.