Post by Helam, These last days are filled with emotion. We, a small band of only hundreds following Alma, initially fleeing the priests of King Noah following Alma's support for Abinadi, …
Post by Helam, These last days are filled with emotion. We, a small band of only hundreds following Alma, initially fleeing the priests of King Noah following Alma's support for Abinadi, …
Post by Helam - King Amulon, The thought made me sick. The justice of it escapes our people. After Amulon kidnapped, married and used for protection the daughters of the Lamanites, …
Post by Helam - Permit me to share the account of our bondage and brutal treatment by Amulon. When we felt safe, we settled into a beautiful land and began to build a …
Post by Helam, Now, about Amulon and his partners. As I related earlier, among the priests of King Noah were a few notable ones, specifically Alma and Amulon. Once Alma had fled …
Post by Helam, As I relate our experiences, our conversion, our bondage and deliverance, I hope and pray that I may share with you not only the facts but the spirit …