Post by Jarom, The commandment of keeping this record has now fallen on me Jarom. My father Enos, though a great man and a great teacher, wrote very little. I suppose …
Post by Jarom, The commandment of keeping this record has now fallen on me Jarom. My father Enos, though a great man and a great teacher, wrote very little. I suppose …
Post by Enos - As I mentioned earlier, there were many prophets sent to our people to teach and encourage and call them to repentance. Following my experience which I described …
Post by Enos - Once I had received a forgiveness of my sins and knew I was known by the Lord, I began to feel a desire for the welfare of …
Post by Enos - As you know, my Uncle Nephi was a very great hunter. He has been dead for many many years, but his love for hunting has also been …
Post by Enos: My uncle Joseph has paid quite a tribute to my father as has my uncle Nephi and Grandfather Lehi. But let me give you a son's perspective. My father …