Post By King Mosiah I of the Nephites

The voice of the Lord came to me, a warning and a command. Our time in the land of Nephi came to an end. Though we had built our homes, raised our families, and worshiped our God in that land, it became dangerous. The wickedness of those who sought power over our people grew strong, and the Lord, in His mercy, provided a way of escape. He commanded me to lead my people away to a land He had prepared.
It was not an easy thing to gather our people and leave behind all that we knew. Yet, this is not unique to us. How many times has the Lord’s people fled from bondage or danger. Think of Abraham, Moses, Lehi, Nephi. Each led their people to safety. In like manner we trusted in the Lord, and under His guidance, we set forth on our journey. The path was not without hardship, but He strengthened us, and in time, we came upon a people unknown to us—the people of Zarahemla.
They were a great and numerous people, yet they lacked the knowledge of their forefathers. Their language had become corrupted, and they had lost the records of their past. But when we arrived, it became clear that the Lord had prepared them for our coming. With great effort, we taught them our language, and in turn, we came to know their history. They were descendants of Mulek, one of King Zedekiah’s sons, who had escaped from Jerusalem at the time of its destruction, led by the hand of the Lord to this land.
As we shared our records, they marveled at the words of our prophets and the sacred commandments of our God. They had long lived without written records, but now they could read the words of those who had gone before us—words of faith, repentance, and divine purpose. It was my great joy to see their hearts turned toward God, and together we worshiped the Lord who had brought us safely to this land.
We united as one people, strengthening our city and establishing peace among us. The Lord had delivered us, not only from the dangers in the land of Nephi but into a land of promise where we could prosper in righteousness. I ruled among my people with the wisdom granted by God, and I taught them to love Him and to keep His commandments so that His blessings might remain with us.
Though my time as king has passed, my heart rejoices in the goodness of the Lord. He delivers those who trust in Him. He prepares the way for His faithful. And He brings together His children, that they may be strengthened in His word. May those who follow after me remember this truth and never forget the mighty hand of God in all things.