Post by Nephi –
As you know, our family was commanded to leave Jerusalem, which, as you read in previous posts, was very challenging. Today as I am sharing with you many of the writings of Isaiah, as I study them in the Plates of Brass we took from Laban, his prophecies are in various states of fulfillment.
There seems to be a common thread between them as I am sure you have noticed. That common thread is the punishment and destruction the Lord’s chosen people due to their rebellious nature and their eventual gathering. Along with their destruction and restoration, is the cursing of Israel’s enemies and their promised destruction, and Israel’s eventual triumph over the wickedness of the world.
Remember, 50 or so years have passed since we left Jerusalem and so from today, Isaiah lived a couple hundred years ago. There has been plenty of time for many of his prophecies to be fulfilled.
Yet, just as I have personally seen many of Isaiah’s prophecies fulfilled, you who are following this blog will yet see the rest of them fulfilled. My favorite however, which I have also seen in vision is the coming of the Messiah – our Savior and Lord. In a future post I will elaborate on this – a most sacred vision.
For now, let me assure Israel that following the many scatterings and cursings, they shall be gathered and shall enjoy a millennial rest. Israel will triumph over the world which is often to referred to literally and figuratively as Babylon.
An interesting doctrine that Isaiah clearly understood is the doctrine of the devil. I find in Isaiah’s writings where he discusses the fall of Satan. Here is what he taught.
Satan, who Isaiah calls Lucifer by name was at one point the “son of the morning.” He was in the very presence of God, Jesus Christ and all of us in our pre-mortal world. Contrary to the will of God the Father, Lucifer sought to exalt himself above God and take God’s glory to himself alone. Let me quote Isaiah directly here.
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! Art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.”
I believe Isaiah discusses the fall of Lucifer here, among the prophecies of the fall of Babylon, because he is likening the fall of the Kings of the World to the fall of Lucifer. They all will be cut down and be removed from any station of power, glory or prominence. They will be set aside with no power or influence. In the end, they will be bound and cast out. This binding and casting out is what I am sure Isaiah referred to when he said the “whole earth will be at rest.”
(Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 24:1 – 32)