Post By Zarahemla, Leader of the People of Zarahemla

For generations, my people lived in this land, a people once mighty but now scattered and divided. We are the descendants of those who fled the destruction of Jerusalem, led across the vast ocean by the hand of the Lord. Yet as the years passed, we lost much of what our ancestors knew. Our language changed, our records were lost, and we forgot the full measure of our past. Though we thrived in this land, we lacked the guidance and wisdom that once shaped our forefathers.
Then, Mosiah and his people came. They arrived as strangers, yet I knew in my heart that their presence was no accident. They carried with them the written records of their past, the knowledge of their prophets, and the wisdom of their God. When we saw what they had preserved, I understood that we had been given a great gift—a chance to unite, to learn, and to become stronger together.
The city of Zarahemla, once merely a place of dwelling, became a city of knowledge, a place where our people and Mosiah’s people could come together as one. Through Mosiah’s wisdom and the power of his God, we learned once more the words of our ancestors, and our histories became intertwined.
Now, we are not two peoples, but one. The city of Zarahemla stands as a beacon of unity, faith, and renewal. What was once lost has been restored, and we move forward together, guided by the lessons of the past and the hope of the future.
Omni 1:14-22