Post by Amnor – Spy turned warrior turned student
After seeing what our Chief Judge Nephihah wrote about Alma’s work in Zarahemla, I was envious of those who were able to sit at his feet as he taught. That changed when Alma came here to Gideon and began preaching. Nephihah played down the fact that the people in Zarahemla had actually become a wicked people that needed serious repentance. It became evident to us here in Gideon that Alma’s work in Zarahemla was extremely difficult. Several times he expressed his appreciation that our people here hadn’t strayed from the truth like those in Zarahemla.
Now don’t get me wrong, we need our share of repentance as well, but because we are a people striving to follow the Savior, we’ve had the singular opportunity to hear from a prophet of God the prophesy of our Savior’s birth and life in mortality.
As best as my feeble memory permits, here is what Alma declared, forgive my words used to summarize but the message pierced my very soul. Alma said, “The time is not far distant that our Redeemer will come among His people.” Personally I can’t think of anything more important that this. Alma said that when our Redeemer comes to live on the earth, He won’t dwell among us here in the promised land but He will be born of Mary at Jerusalem which is the land of our forefathers. He told us how Mary is a virgin and a precious and chosen vessel who will be overshadowed and conceive by the power of the Holy Ghost and will bring forth the very Son of God.
Wow! Alma never bore that testimony to the people in Zarahemla. Don’t get me wrong. I have dear friends and family in Zarahemla and I love them, but as a people, there must be a level of preparedness before God will share such precious truths. I may not be all so worthy but I am humbled to hear from Alma’s own words that our Savior will go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind, so that the words might be fulfilled which say He will take upon Him the pains and sicknesses of His people. Alma testified that the spirit witnessed all this to him and that he was speaking by the power and direction of the spirit.
Our tears flowed when he spoke how our Savior will take upon Himself death, so He may loose the bands of death which bind us. He will take upon Himself our infirmities, that His bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to sustain and minister to us in our times of trial and heart ache. When Alma talked about how the Savior would suffer temptations, I wondered if they were temptations like I have. My temptations are mostly based on my own selfish wishes. I don’t need to be tempted, my weaknesses lead me into trouble. So I had to think, “What kinds of things would be temptations for the Son of God?” If he suffered temptations of every kind, does that include attraction to women? Desires for too much wine? Cheating to take advantage of others? Lying to hide an embarrassment? Certainly not dishonoring His parents, especially if one of His parents is God the Eternal Father. I really couldn’t image what His temptations would be. But if they will be to help Him have mercy on us and know how to, with genuine empathy and understanding, nurture and forgive us, they must be somewhat similar. This might be a matter I take to Him in prayer.